
here is a more useful way for me to show things i find inspiring

i made a separate blog.

this is going to be my work, that one will be other people's work. what an unnecessary yet alluring spreading out of myself over the internet.


some shots from my studio

i'm getting immersed in work, & have 1000 projects i want to be working on.  here's what's going on in my studio right now.

here are some shots of my storage closet:

this is the first in a series of 
collages tentatively titled "how to go home":

my desk. messy, already.

my newest project. i'm creating a cross-stitch microjournal for a month.
(as yet untitled): 


things i'm interested in making art with & about

found objects, old things, memory, gender, text, fabric, old handcrafts, collections, recordings, line drawings, ooks, naturally flawed photographs, multi-sensory art, hands, touch, love, nostalgia, 16mm & 8mm film, bones, hair, teeth, feathers, fur, life cycles, simplicity, brown, black, white, tan, paper, mail art, distance, personal cartography, food, embroidery, plants, furniture, picture frames, analog, collage, deer, arrows, birds, wax, wood, linoleum cuts, jars, traveling, "america," printmaking, letter-press, art zines, slide projection, home.


more influences

i've never been one for names per se. images that stick in my mind are often stronger than looking at a body of work, or an exhibition catalog. i'm always bad at remembering who makes the things i like. so forgive me if i don't have a cohesive group of artists i can point to & say "these ones." i'm more likely to post old photographs, snapshots, sketches.
though i guess most of these are from more "professional" artists.

edward gorey

always more to come. plus some sketches & new work.


i want to leave you with you

 i want to leave you (with you)
35mm color prints with digitally added text
april 2k10